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Volym 133, 2012


"Par foi, ans mes ne vi tel con". Medieval Sexually Explicit Narrative: the Fabliau
Ulf Malm
133, 2012, s. 7–144
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Naturens främmande form. Efterbildning och förfrämligande i den unge Goethes estetiska skrifter
Mattias Pirholt
133, 2012, s. 145–165
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The Alienated Form of Nature: The Critique of Imitation and Aesthetic Knowing in the young Goethe's Aesthetic Writings

This essay examines the transformation of the concept of mimesis (imitation, Nachahmung der Natur) in the theoretical writings of the young Johann Wolfgang Goethe and its implications for the conception of aesthetic knowing. The Sturm und Drang period in general and Goethe, the period's most influential writer, in particular are usually regarded as skeptical about or even hostile to the classicist ideal of imitation. In this essay I argue that Goethe's conception of mimesis is closely related to his idea that nature is not immediately represented in art. Imitation of nature is the result of a process of alienation, which transforms nature into an aesthetic object. It is only in this transformed state, as "inner form" (innere Form), that nature is available to man. Furthermore, this notion of imitation as alienation points to the profound change that epitomizes epistemology in the late eighteenth century, that is, the transition from the classical episteme of representation to the modern, organic episteme.

Bilder från Boo. Karl August Nicander – En Magus i Spådomskonsten
Ljubica Miočević
133, 2012, s. 166–222
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Ljubica Miočević, Bilder från Boo. Karl August Nicander – En Magus i Spådomskonsten (Images from Boo. Karl August Nicander – A Magus in Soothsaying)

The essay describes a deck of playing cards with a short handwritten inscription by the Swedish poet Karl August Nicander (1799–1839). The deck is dated 1 October 1834 at the Boo estate, where Nicander was staying in the home of his friend Hugo Hamilton. It is dedicated to a female acquaintance, one of Hugo's stepsisters, upon the occasion of her leaving Boo and returning home. Since there are no indications of any particularly warm feelings between Nicander and the woman, the versified deck should be considered as an unusual instance of occasional poetry functioning as a prestigious gift. The poet refers to himself as “A Magus in Soothsaying," and the inscriptions on the cards were meant to be used during fortune-telling games. The tone is playful and light, as the games were more a pastime than serious divination.

Interior scenes of the life at Boo are described, with particular attention given to games, interest in the supernatural (such as divination and ghost stories), and the occasional poetry; the different types of games mentioned include card games, patience, card tricks, and chess. Nicander's position as a destitute poet living in an aristocratic household is touched upon. His letters and almanacs give interesting examples of occasions when he was expected to deliver verse during birthday celebrations for members of the household at Boo. The epithet ‘society poet' that has sometimes been used to describe Nicander's strategies in the literary field is thus actualized.

Thematically, the inscriptions on the cards are discussed against the background of the rich flora of playing instructions and soothsaying games that flooded the Swedish market in the early nineteenth century. The popularity of card motifs in Romantic literature is discussed.

A deck of cards is also a material object in which the pictorial element dominates. The interplay of the text and images on Nicander's deck is analysed; the poet's persistent interest in printing techniques and the materiality of manuscripts are contextualized. A deck of cards with playful, semi-serious occult inscriptions by the hand of a Romantic poet is indeed an unusual object, but at the same time it embodies themes and ideologies typical of its time.

Key words: Karl August Nicander, playing cards, pastime, soothsaying, occasional poetry, Romanticism.

"Se kvinnorna". Marika Stiernstedt, Hjalmar Söderberg och den genuspolitiska kontexten i början av 1900­-talet
Catrine Brödje
133, 2012, s. 223–241
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"'Se kvinnorna'. Marika Stiernstedt, Hjalmar Söderberg and the gender-political context at the beginning of the 20th century"

This study discusses the concept of intertextuality by examining Martin Bircks ungdom (1901) and Doktor Glas (1906) by Hjalmar Söderberg and Lilas äktenskap (1910) by Marika Stiernstedt in the context of early 20th century gender-political discussion. Stiernstedt and Söderberg raise questions about sex, gender, love, sexuality and morality against a backdrop of works such as Lifslinjer I (1903) by Ellen Key, Ny kärlek. En bok för mogna andar (1902) by Elisabeth Dauthenday (1902) and to some extent Fyra böcker om Kristi efterföljelse (1894) by Thomas a Kempis. Stiernstedt and Söderberg show in their literary work that the contemporary gender-political discussion was characterized by security and perplexity. The female protagonists in their novels seem to be trapped in what Birgitta Holm calls “the no man's land of feminine desire", that is, in a borderland between an increasingly loosened Victorian ideal woman and an even more vague idea of the New Woman. However, although these three women live under entirely different conditions, they can still be regarded as forerunners to the New Woman.

Rytm och betydelse. En analys av Ingemar Gustafsons diktsvit "Förföljd av Mitten"
Eva Lilja
133, 2012, s. 242–264
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Rhythm and Meaning. An Analysis of Ingemar Gustafssons Poem "Förföljd av mitten" ("Persecuted by the Centre") (Rytm och betydelse. En analys av Ingemar Gustafsons diktsvit "Förföljd av Mitten")

This article is part of a larger project aiming at a theory and a method for understanding aesthetic rhythm. Rhythm supplies meaning, but it might be difficult to decide exactly what meaning and how the integration of form and meaning takes place. In this article, I demonstrate a method for investigating rhythm with the help of a poem by Ingemar Gustafson, "Förföljd av mitten" ["Persecuted by the Centre"] (1956).

A poem might be understood as a row of patterns or gestalts, like phrase patterns and lines. These patterns are, I would suggest, signified by balance and direction. Rhythm in poetry could be described as a dialectic process of perceived direction and perceived balance, or in other words, as a cooperation between movement and rest.

A definition like this has its theoretical base in cognitive poetics and the recent development of cognitive metrics.

Willy Kyrklunds Till Tabbas
Niclas Hållén
133, 2012, s. 265–286
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Till Tabbas (To Tabas, 1959) is Finnish-Swedish author Willy Kyrklund's (1921-2009) account of a journey through Iran in the 1950s. While ostensibly the object of Kyrklund's text is modern Iran and early Islamic Persia, on an ideational level To Tabbas explores existential issues that are most readily associated with certain intellectual environments in post-war Europe. In one sense, the Persian "Orient" is to Kyrklund an archive of texts and images, which he uses in a discussion about what he sees as the terms of human existence. Kyrklund discusses the terms of human existence by emphasising the perceived sameness between the modern Western subject and the Persian Muslim and the masters of Sufi poetry. He uses the concept of "man" to refer to the common ground that he imagines exists between them. However, as this essay shows, "man" as an abstract category functions as a placeholder for the post-war European male intel­lectual, desperate in his longing for a higher purpose, and certain that no such higher purpose exists. This tendency of semantic ambiguity is discussed from a postcolonial perspective in the last section of this article.

Willy Kyrklunds Till Tabbas
Nicklas Hållén
133 (1), 2012, s. 265–286
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Till Tabbas (To Tabas, 1959) is Finnish-Swedish author Willy Kyrklund's (1921-2009) account of a journey through Iran in the 1950s. While ostensibly the object of Kyrklund's text is modern Iran and early Islamic Persia, on an ideational level To Tabbas explores existential issues that are most readily associated with certain intellectual environments in post-war Europe. In one sense, the Persian "Orient" is to Kyrklund an archive of texts and images, which he uses in a discussion about what he sees as the terms of human existence. Kyrklund discusses the terms of human existence by emphasising the perceived sameness between the modern Western subject and the Persian Muslim and the masters of Sufi poetry. He uses the concept of "man" to refer to the common ground that he imagines exists between them. However, as this essay shows, "man" as an abstract category functions as a placeholder for the post-war European male intel­lectual, desperate in his longing for a higher purpose, and certain that no such higher purpose exists. This tendency of semantic ambiguity is discussed from a postcolonial perspective in the last section of this article.

L'écriture de l'enfance et l'enfance de l'écriture: Nathalie Sarraute et l'autobiographie
Ann-Sofie Persson
133, 2012, s. 287–303
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"The Writing of Childhood and the Childhood of Writing: Nathalie Sarraute and Autobiography"

This article deals with the autobiographical childhood narrative Enfance (1983) written by Nathalie Sarraute (1900–1999). More specifically, it attempts to analyze the two directions Sarraute criticism took when assessing this particular work in relation to the reading of it as the story of becoming a writer. On the one hand, the narrative was seen as the beginning of something new in Sarraute's writing, on the other as a sophisticated continuation of her exploration of tropisms. Some critics contend that the writing performed by the childhood "I" of the narrative should be seen as the first steps towards becoming a writer, while others aim to show how the child's experiences of writing function as counter examples of how to write according to Sarraute, and thus could not be seen as representing a vocational story. The aim of this article is to show that Sarraute's childhood narrative is the story of un-learning how to write traditionally and an intricate reflection on the function and conception of autobiographical writing.


Lotta Paulin, Den didaktiska fiktionen. Konstruktion av förebilder ur ett barn- och ungdomslitterärt perspektiv 1400–1750 (Stockholm Studies in History of Literature, 54; Skrifter utgivna av Svenska barnboksinstitutet, 116). Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. Stockholm 2012
Anna Nordenstam
133, 2012, s. 304–312
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Jennie Nell, Vivat vår monark! Carl Michael Bellmans panegyrik över Gustaf III 1771–1792. ellerströms. Lund 2011
James Massengale
133, 2012, s. 312–314
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Gunnel Testad, "Solidariteten, det vackra i denna strid…" Spelet om Norbergsstrejken 1891–92. En studie i arbetarkultur (Stockholm Studies in History of Literature, 55). Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. Stockholm 2012
Ola Holmgren
133, 2012, s. 315–320
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Andreas Hedberg, En strid för det som borde vara. Viktor Rydberg som moderniseringskritiker 1891–1895 (Skrifter utgivna av Avdelningen för litteratursociologi vid Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen i Uppsala, 62). Gidlunds förlag. Hedemora 2012
Andreas Nyblom
133, 2012, s. 320–329
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Astrid Regnell, Att se stjärnor på ljusa dagen. Förvandling och försoning i August Strindbergs En blå bok. ellerströms. Lund 2009
Jan Balbierz
133, 2012, s. 329–333
Permanent länk:
Ann-Sofi Ljung Svensson, Jordens dotter. Selma Lagerlöf och den tyska hembygdslitteraturen. Makadam. Göteborg/Stockholm, 2011
Björn Sundberg
133, 2012, s. 333–338
Permanent länk:
Gunnar Hauk Gjengset, Matti Aikio – verk og virke (Nordliga studier, 2). Institutionen för kultur- och medievetenskaper, Umeå universitet & Kungl. Skytteanska Samfundet. Umeå 2011
Anne Heith
133, 2012, s. 338–344
Permanent länk:
Judith Meurer-Bongardt, Wo Atlantis am Horizont leuchtet oder eine Reise zum Mittelpunkt des Menschen. Utopisches Denken in den Schriften Hagar Olssons. Åbo Akademis förlag. Åbo 2011
Helena Forsås-Scott
133, 2012, s. 344–347
Permanent länk:
Liv Saga Bergdahl, Kärleken utan namn. Identitet och (o)synlighet i svenska lesbiska romaner. Institutionen för kultur- och medievetenskaper, Umeå universitet. Umeå 2010
Rita Paqvalén
133, 2012, s. 347–350
Permanent länk:
Eva Wahlström, Fria flickor före Pippi. Ester Blenda Nordström och Karin Michaëlis: Astrid Lindgrens föregångare (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska barnboksinstitutet, 114). Makadam. Göteborg/Stockholm 2011
Boel Westin
133, 2012, s. 350–356
Permanent länk:
Anna Victoria Hallberg, Novel Writing and Moral Philosophy as Aspects of a Single Struggle. Iris Murdoch’s Hybrid Novels (Örebro Studies in Literary History and Criticism, 11). Akademin för humaniora, utbildning och samhällsvetenskap, Örebro universitet. Örebro 2011
Anniken Greve
133, 2012, s. 356–361
Permanent länk:
Immi Lundin, Att föra det egna till torgs. Berättande, stoff och samtid i Kerstin Strandbergs, Enel Melbergs och Eva Adolfssons debutromaner (Critica Litterarum Lundensis: Skrifter utgivna av Avdelningen för litteraturvetenskap, Språk- och litteraturcentrum, Lunds universitet, 10). Lunds universitet. Lund 2012
Kristina Fjelkestam
133, 2012, s. 361–366
Permanent länk:
Anette Almgren White, Intermedial narration i den fotolyriska bilderboken. Jean Claude Arnault, Katarina Frostenson och Rut Hillarp (Linnaeus University Dissertations, 72). Linnaeus University Press. Växjö 2011
Christina Ljungberg
133, 2012, s. 366–369
Permanent länk:
Maria Wahlström, Jag är icke heller en. Den svenska dagboksromanen. ellerströms. Lund 2012
Kristina Fjelkestam
133, 2012, s. 369–374
Permanent länk:
Martin Hellström, Förpackningens förvandlingar. Konsumtion och karneval i barnboken (Linköping Studies in Arts and Science, 523; Studies in Language and Culture, 16; Skrifter utgivna av Svenska barnboksinstitutet, 112). Carlssons. Stockholm 2011
Maria Nikolajeva
133, 2012, s. 374–382
Permanent länk:
Lars Lönnroth, The Academy of Odin. Selected Papers on Old Norse Literature (The Viking Collection, 19). University Press of Southern Denmark. Odense 2011
Daniel Sävborg
133, 2012, s. 383–388
Permanent länk:
Gunilla Byrman & Tommy Olofsson, Om kvinnligt och manligt och annat konstigt i medeltida skämtballader. Atlantis. Stockholm 2011
Ulf Malm
133, 2012, s. 389–391
Permanent länk:
Stina Hansson, Svensk bröllopsdiktning under 1600- och 1700-talen. Renässansrepertoarens framväxt, blomstring och tillbakagång (LIR skrifter, 1). Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion, Göteborgs universitet. Göteborg 2012
Janne Lindqvist Grinde
133, 2012, s. 391–394
Permanent länk:
Anna Nilsson, Lyckans betydelse. Sekularisering, sensibilisering och individualisering i svenska skillingtryck 1750–1850. Agerings bokförlag. Höör 2012
Håkan Möller
133, 2012, s. 394–397
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Dramatikern Almqvist. Red. Anders Burman, Roland Lysell & Jon Viklund. Gidlunds förlag. Hedemora 2010
Johan Stenström
133, 2012, s. 397–401
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Kristina Fjelkestam, Ta tanke. Feminism, materialism och historiseringens praktik. Sekel Bokförlag. Lund 2012
Katarina Bernhardsson
133, 2012, s. 401–403
Permanent länk:
Claire Tomalin, Charles Dickens. A Life. Viking Penguin Books. London 2011. Robert Douglas-Fairhurst, Becoming Dickens. The Invention of a Novelist. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts & London 2011
Conny Svensson
133, 2012, s. 403–406
Permanent länk:
Simon R. Frost, The Business of the Novel. Economics, Aesthetics and the Case of Middlemarch (Literary Texts and the Popular Marketplace, 1). Pickering & Chatto. London & Brookefield 2012
Ann Steiner
133, 2012, s. 406–409
Permanent länk:
Anne Lundqvist, I begjærets tjeneste. Strindberg og Lacan på scenen. Institutionen för musik- och teatervetenskap, Stockholms universitet & Stiftelsen för utgivning av teatervetenskapliga studier (STUTS). Stockholm 2010
Ann-Sofie Lönngren
133, 2012, s. 409–412
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Spår och speglingar. Red. Maria Karlsson & Louise Vinge (Lagerlöfstudier, 2011). Gidlunds förlag. Möklinta 2011
Torbjörn Forslid
133, 2012, s. 412–414
Permanent länk:
Bengt Landgren, Mannen från Prag. Rainer Maria Rilke, hans liv och hans diktning. Gidlunds förlag. Möklinta 2011
Roland Lysell
133, 2012, s. 414–420
Permanent länk:
Grethe F. Rostbøll, Karen Blixen og Sverige. Museum Tusculanums Forlag. København 2011
Aage Jørgensen
133, 2012, s. 420–426
Permanent länk:
Lena Kåreland, Ett sällsamt dubbelliv. Gurli Linders memoarer om åren med S.A. Andrée. Carlssons. Stockholm 2011
Mia Franck
133, 2012, s. 426–428
Permanent länk:
Görgen Antonsson, Ezra Pound, Sverige och Nobelpriset. Amalgam. Spånga 2010
Jenny Westerström
133, 2012, s. 428–
Permanent länk:
Lennart Karlström, Hjalmar Gullberg. En bibliografi (Hjalmar Gullberg-sällskapets skrifter, 7). Carlsson bokförlag. Stockholm 2010
Helena Bodin
133, 2012, s. 429–430
Permanent länk:
Svante Lovén, Also Make the Heavens. Virtual Realities in Science Fiction (Skrifter utgivna av Avdelningen för litteratursociologi vid Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen i Uppsala, 60). Avdelningen för litteratursociologi vid Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen i Uppsala. Uppsala 2010
Johan Schimanski
133, 2012, s. 431–433
Permanent länk:
Annika Gunnarsson, Synligt/osynligt. Receptionen av det visuella i bilderböckerna om Alfons Åberg (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska barnboksinstitutet, 115). Makadam. Göteborg 2012
Gary Svensson
133, 2012, s. 433–434
Permanent länk:
Michael Tapper, Snuten i skymningslandet. Svenska polisberättelser i roman och på film 1965–2010. Nordic Academic Press. Lund 2011
Andrew Nestingen
133, 2012, s. 434–435
Permanent länk:
Sven Delblanc och 1700-talet. Ett seminarium på Confidencen den 17 oktober 2009. Red. Hans-Göran Ekman. Gidlunds förlag. Möklinta 2011
Annie Mattsson
133, 2012, s. 436–437
Permanent länk:
Stefan Ekman, Writing Worlds, Reading Landscapes. An Exploration of Settings in Fantasy. Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University. Lund 2010
Svante Lovén
133, 2012, s. 437–442
Permanent länk:
Ingrid Elam, Jag. En fiktion. Albert Bonniers förlag. Stockholm 2012
Christian Lenemark
133, 2012, s. 442–443
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Law and the Stranger. Red. Austin Sarat, Lawrence Douglas & Martha Merrill Umphrey (The Amherst Series in Law, Jurisprudence, and Social Thought). Stanford University Press. Stanford 2010
Leif Dahlberg
133, 2012, s. 444–446
Permanent länk:
Björn Hammarfelt, Following the Footnotes. A Bibliometric Analysis of Citation Patterns in Literary Studies (Skrifter utgivna av Institutionen för ABM vid Uppsala universitet, 5). Institutionen för ABM vid Uppsala universitet. Uppsala 2012
Johan Svedjedal
133, 2012, s. 446–450
Permanent länk:
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Twilight. Studies in Fiction, Media, and a Contemporary Cultural Experience. Red. Mariah Larsson & Ann Steiner. Nordic Academic Press. Lund 2011
Linn Areskoug
133, 2012, s. 450–453
Permanent länk:
Johnny Kondrup, Editionsfilologi. Museum Tusculanum. København 2011
Mats Dahlström
133, 2012, s. 453–456
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Litteraturens nätverk. Berättande på Internet. Red. Christian Lenemark. Studentlitteratur. Lund 2012
Petra Söderlund
133, 2012, s. 456–460
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Posthumanistiska nyckeltexter. Red. Cecilia Åsberg, Martin Hultman & Francis Lee. Studentlitteratur. Lund 2012
Jonas Ingvarsson
133, 2012, s. 460–465
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